Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Homework #22

Unit 4 B3 #1-4

1. Ultraviolet radiation is much more harmful than infrared radiation because it can cause more damage to a living being, because of its high radioactive properties. Infrared is essentially heat, which is not fatal.

2. Photosynthesis, solar panels.

3. The weather tends to vary in those areas due to the climate. The pressure and humidity in some of these areas influence the daily weather conditions.

a. The daytime temperatures would be severely affected because the ultraviolet light would be harmful to humans, because there would be no protection from the atmosphere, and infrared light, causing it too be too hot in the day, and too cold in the evening.

Unit 4 B8 #1-6

1. 100kg.
2. 40 liters.
3. 18,000.
4. Levels have increased by 30% because of cars, and more advanced machinery. Before the 1800's there was almost no use for gas or oil, which is the greatest producer of carbon dioxide pollutants.
5. This is the start of many innovations to conserve fuel, and prevent the overuse of oil, which creates excess amounts of carbon dioxide.
6. These people believe that it is necessary, because without this, it will continue down a path of destruction to our planet, causing over stimulation to greenhouse gases.

Unit 3SAS #1-30 (EXCEPT 2,4,9,14,24,25)

1. A hydrocarbon a molecule composed of only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
3. Petroleum can be converted into many different things, including gasoline, diesel fuel, wax, etc.
5. It means a liquid that varies in color and odor.
6. a. 23843
    b. 23843
7. Gasoline, lamp oil, wax.
8. Wax, Vaseline, lamp oil.
10. a. Middle East (686 10^9)
      b. Western Europe (17 10^9)
11. a. North America
      b. Middle East
12. Density can be used to separate water and oil.
13. Water and salt.
15. On paper
16. Fractional distillation is used to separate more than one substance, while simple distillation can only separate two.
17. Refined oils (light), gas oil (medium), wax (heavy).
18. The highest boiling point will be at the bottom of the distillation chart.
19. Once distilled in each group, the distillation process could be repeated to separate them further.
20. Methane, pentane, hexane, octane.
21. A covalent bond is when atoms are shared.
22. Because there are too many to be shared.
23. This analogy describes how the sharing of electrons because they are constantly attempting to keep hold of the proton.
26. a. A structural formula displays the entire description of the atom, while the molecular formula is less detailed in the process.
     b. A structural formula is inadequate because there is no real understanding of where a real electron is, because of its mass.
27. See paper.
28. This only shows four dots because it can only connect four hydrogen atoms.
29. See paper.
30. See paper.

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